Process of watching movies on shrooms

Best Movies to Watch on Shrooms

So, you’re here to discover something new, right? Everyone has their own experience and way of using shrooms. Some people like to walk in the park and get new sensations from contemplating nature. There are those who like to use shrooms in the company to raise their mood and level of communication. But there is an option that can be tried alone or with friends — watching a movie on shrooms.

Watching a movie on shrooms is quite a special experience. It can both impress and inspire, as well as make up for the lack of adrenaline and give you a thrill. Either way, it’s a memorable experience worth trying.

If you haven’t planned your evening or weekend yet, we suggest to buy your favourite yummies from FunGuyz (by the way, you can buy not only shrooms but also mushroom microdosing capsules, weed or psilocybin edibles), get comfortable under a blanket and press play. You can also make your magic pizza, more details about that here. Have a nice magic trip!

The Magic of Movies on Shroom: Why It’s Worth Trying

When you watch movies on shrooms, the process of watching becomes more than just entertainment. Reality can start to blur, and the mind dives into an ocean of fantasies. Why watching movies on shrooms is an unforgettable experience and a new sensation?

Deep Immersion

Soundtracks are filled with magic and sound deeper, characters’ words sound like revelations, and simple dialogues take on new meaning. On shrooms you don’t just watch the film, you feel it with your body and soul.

New Discoveries and Feelings

Even familiar films are perceived completely differently on shrooms. You may notice details that previously escaped your attention or reinterpret familiar scenes. Each watching of a movie on shrooms is a chance to discover something new.

Emotional Voyage

The comedies become even funnier, and the good scenes are warmer and more touching. Emotions come to the fore, creating a deep connection with what is happening on the screen. Every moment is filled with meaning and experiences that can stay with you for a long time.

What Movies to Watch on Shrooms

So, have you settled in and are you ready for a deep experience of art? FunGuyz knows better than anyone that there’s no accounting for taste. That’s why we have a wide range of products for every situation, and a large list of movies for every taste below.

To understand your expectations from watching a movie on shrooms, read the small description to each one (we promise, we won’t spoiler). You can watch these films on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Scroll down and choose what you want.

Alice in Wonderland

A shot from the movie Alice in Wonderland

Probably everyone has heard of and watched Alice in Wonderland at least once. But watching this movie as an adult on shrooms, you will feel that you are watching it for the first time. The movie immerses you in a bright and enchanting world full of colours and quirky dialogue. You and Alice explore the world anew, pushing the boundaries of your imagination.

Over tea with the Hatter and the Cheshire Cat, you’ll feel right at home. Boldly throw back your blanket and dive down the rabbit hole with Alice on a magical adventure.

The Matrix

A shot from the movie The Matrix

If you want to see the world in a new way and immerse yourself in your thoughts, The Matrix is the right choice. Watching this movie on shrooms, you will explore your own perception, reality and sense of freedom. Do you really exist?

The Matrix takes us into a world where reality is an illusion created by machines to enslave humanity. Watching this movie on shrooms will make you reflect on the nature of existence, the possibility of choice and man’s eternal desire for freedom.

Spirited Away Or Any Studio Ghibli Film

A shot from Spirited Away

Let’s get away from serious thoughts for a bit and think about something warm and light. Spirited Away or any other animated movie by Studio Ghibli immediately comes to mind.

Agreed that the atmosphere in Miyazaki’s worlds is already quite warm, and watching his movies on shrooms will allow you to immerse yourself in it even more. Bright colours, fantastic creatures, pleasant musical accompaniment and an exciting plot will not leave you indifferent. Such an anime watching experience will definitely get into your heart.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

A shot from the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and an icon of movies to watch on shrooms. You probably already know this. You should know the classics by sight, so this movie is a must-see along with our yummies.

This film contains many surreal visuals that are disorienting but also exciting. Sharp satire and healthy cynicism also come bundled. Fasten your seatbelts, press play bravely, and have a nice trip!

Love, Death & Robots

A shot from the movie Love, Death & Robots

If you like animated series, we recommend Love, Death and Robots. Find yourself inside a kaleidoscope where each story is a magical voyage into the world of fantasy. Under the influence of shrooms, the visual effects become brighter and more intense. You feel the pulse of cyberpunk metropolises, feel the emptiness of space and the heat of the desert on your skin.

Emotional scenes, unexpected twists and philosophical moments penetrate deeper, making you reconsider your usual ideas about life, death and technology. Each story feels personally yours, and you experience it with your whole body and mind.

Rick & Morty

A shot from the movie Rick & Morty

We are introducing another animated series. Experience the absurd world and storyline and experiment together with Rick and Morty.

Each shroom adventure becomes even more incredible and exciting. You race on giant caterpillars, travel to worlds with alternate versions of yourself, and fight monsters. Philosophical discussions about the meaning of life and the crazy adventures of the heroes penetrate your consciousness, making each experience even more personal and intense.

Scary Movie

A shot from the movie Scary Movie

If the colours in your life have dried up a bit and you’re looking for positivity, then stock up on our magic mushrooms, call your friends and make yourself comfortable with a good comedy Scary Movie.

The absurdity of situations, comic moments and unexpected twists will make you laugh until you cry. Watching this comedy on shrooms, you become a part of ridiculous events, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of fun and carefree.


A shot from the movie Barbie

Any Ryan Gosling fans out there? Watching any movie with him on shrooms is something a true fan should do. For example, one of his most popular films is Barbie.

Watching this movie on shrooms is immersing yourself in a colourful dream world where everything around you sparkles with magic. Pink tones become even more pink; each party scene turns into a belly art object. It’s as if you’re walking through a fairytale land where reality intersects with the world of fantasy. Feel yourself in the centre of the pink vortex of emotions and inspiration.

Pan’s Labyrinth

A shot from the movie Pan's Labyrinth

Open the door a little bit to the world of a dark fairy tale, where reality and fantasy are intertwined. On shrooms you feel it on an even deeper level. Each magical becomes alive and tangible, and the forest paths lead deep into your consciousness. You experience all of this while watching the movie Pan’s Labyrinth.

Immerse yourself in the world of mysticism and magic with our magic mushrooms.


A shot from the movie Avatar

If you want to have a visual orgasm, Avatar is the perfect choice for you. Watching this movie on shrooms, you will become part of an amazing universe where every glowing creature comes to life, filled with vivid colours and detail.

The jungle wind is already touching your skin, tropical plants are glowing around you, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy are blurred. Feel the connection with nature and the characters, whose every step and emotion becomes part of your personal experience.


A shot from the movie Insidious

What about adding a little adrenaline to your life? If you are lacking (really lacking) thrills, you can watch one of the most popular horror films – Insidious. Experience fear on a whole new level.

You will become a part of the film, where the sounds become deeper and more real, and the whispering of ghosts you will hear right behind your back. Feel the fog thickening around you and the darkness reaching into the very depths of your soul and… Not scared? Then FunGuyz team will help with that a little bit. If you live near North York, it will be quick and easy.

The Final Word

Watching movies on shrooms is an unconventional experience, but for many it can be something special. Shrooms enhance the perception of colours, sounds and emotions, so familiar scenes may seem completely new, and vivid animations and visual masterpieces will turn into real portals to other worlds. Remember to monitor your body’s reaction and use shrooms safely.


What Types of Movies are Best to Watch on Shrooms?

Undoubtedly, these are movies with vivid visual effects, surreal elements, positive (or not so positive) energy, simple stories and deep musical background. Shrooms heighten your experiences, increase your sensitivity to colours, music and emotions, so it is better to choose films that will stimulate your senses without overwhelming you.

How Should I Prepare for a Movie on Shrooms?

First, decide on the environment. If you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere, make sure it is cozy and comfortable. Turn down the lights, adjust the volume to a comfortable level, take your favourite blanket and yummies. When you feel ready for this magical experience, press play.

Is It Better to Watch with Friends or Alone?

It depends on personal preference. Some people like to watch in the company of close friends who are using shrooms with you. This brings you closer together and increases communication. Others prefer to watch alone, where they can fully immerse themselves in the experience without being distracted by other things.

Can a Movie Influence the Direction of My Trip?

There are actually so many things that determine our mood. And movies on shrooms are no exception. A positive, visually exciting film can increase feelings of joy and curiosity, while a gloomy or tense film can cause anxiety or discomfort. That’s why choosing the right movie has a decisive value to ensure normal impressions.

What’s the Ideal Length of a Movie to Watch on Shrooms?

Since the effects of shrooms can last from 4 to 6 hours, it is best to choose movies that are around 1.5 to 2 hours long. This will allow you to enjoy the film and not feel overwhelmed by its length.

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